18 December 2020 - Newsletter (Vol 37 No 21)
Principal's Message
Assistant Principal - Mission - Staff and Student Wellbeing
Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching
End of Year Liturgy
SRC - Student Representative Council
Catholic Studies
Sports Corner
Year 10 News
Pastoral Team
Christmas Mass
SJPC Term 1 2021
Parish School's Office
Thank you and Merry Christmas
Twelve months ago we were in the thick of the fires and now we are in the middle of rains and floods. No-one could have written the script for 2020, and I, like many, am looking forward to the end of the year.
This final week of the year is always filled with excitement and I wanted to say thank you to all the staff, students and parents for your continued support, love and genuine concern for our wonderful College. We end this year with the academic award ceremonies for years 7, 8, 9 and 10, practising COVID 19 restrictions and, as a result, we will miss not being able to have parents celebrate with us in person.
The final ceremony will recognise the achievements and gifts of so many individuals and I offer congratulations to all students who were recognised. Students have also been coming home with the 2020 yearbook and I invite you to sit and reflect on another amazing year at SJPC.
2020 HSC Results
2020 Major Academic Awards - Year 7, 8, 9 & 10
Principal's Award
Honours Award
SJPC Award
Major Awards
Year 7 & 8
Mick Bryant Award | Bryant McKinnon Award | Yearly Application Award - Year 7 | Yearly Application Award - Year 8 |
Under 13 & 14 Age Swimming Champions
![U13 Age Boys Swimming Champion](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2275/201218125538850/550x825/u13_age_boys_swimming_champion.jpg)
![U14 Age Swimming Champions](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2276/201218125549917/550x825/u14_age_swimming_champions.jpg)
Year 9 & 10
Under 15 & 16 Age Swimming Champions
Class Awards
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
As we draw close to the celebration of Christmas, can I remind you the real reason for the season – the birth of Jesus Christ, our saviour! Take the time with family and friends and recharge the batteries but also remember that Jesus is the reason our school exists and we are all called to develop and nourish the faith of all who work and study here.
Christmas Mass Times 2020
Coffs Harbour - Christmas Eve |
Coffs Harbour St Augustine's Parish | 5:00pm |
6:30pm | |
8:00pm | |
11:00pm | |
Woolgoolga St Francis Xavier Church | 5:30pm |
7:00pm | |
Coramba St Teresa's Church | 5:30pm |
Coffs Harbour - Christmas Day |
Coffs Harbour St Augustine's Parish | 7:30am |
9:00am | |
Woolgoolga St Francis Xavier Church | 8:00am |
9:30am | |
Coramba St Teresa's Church | 9:00am |
Finally, on behalf of the staff at the College, I wish you and your family a Happy and Holy Christmas. May God bless you and watch over you during the holiday period. Stay safe and I look forward to welcoming you back in 2021.
Michael Carniato
As 2020 comes to a close there is much in the media reflecting on the year that was. We all in one way or another experienced the uncertainties that unfolded. However, the one constant for all of us was that of Jesus Christ. As we come to the end of Advent we will, as we do every year, celebrate the coming of Jesus Our Saviour at Christmas, albeit a little differently.
The dictionary defines the word ‘advent’ as ‘arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous)’ It comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning ‘coming’. The birth of Jesus is certainly momentous.
The liturgical season of Advent is time for preparation. We prepare our homes, prepare meals and buy presents. Do we really stop to think why we are doing all these things? Who are we preparing for? As Christians we are preparing for the coming Jesus Christ.
Advent is also a time of prayer. Each week is signified with a focus of prayer of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. These are qualities we saw in Jesus through the Gospels. During Advent let us all try to put these same qualities into our day to day dealings.
We need to make a conscious effort to keep Christ in Christmas. Without Him there would be no Christmas at all. So let’s not say Merry Xmas or Happy Holidays. Let’s all have a Holy, happy and safe Christmas.
This Christmas, may the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of Jesus Christ be with all our SPJC families.
‘It is the beautiful task of Advent to awaken in all of us memories of goodness and thus to open the doors of hope.’ Pope Benedict.
Assistant Principal - Mission
Staff and Student Wellbeing
The Real Meaning of Christmas
In the last newsletter for the year, I thought I would reproduce sections of an article titled “The Real Meaning of the 12 Days of Christmas” written in the online magazine, Catholic.net in 2011, by Fr Dowling SJ, dealing with the history of a well known Christmas carol. The following excerpt is from Fr Dowling’s article:
I’m sure you have all heard the Christmas carol, “The Twelve Days of Christmas,” with its haunting melody. The carol dates back to the 16th century and its precise author is unknown. But this carol was written by the English Jesuits of the 16th century as a catechetical device and it is far from filled with nonsensical verses.
The carol is akin to the apocalyptic literature of Scripture that used obscure symbols to hide its true meaning from the enemy in time of persecution. To understand the background that gave rise to the carol, let us look briefly at the history of Catholicism in 16th century England.
When Henry VIII was rebuffed by Rome in his bid to divorce Catherine of Aragon to marry Anne Boleyn, he declared himself head of the Church in England replacing the Pope and demanded that all swear an oath of allegiance to him as such. St. Thomas More, the Chancellor of the Realm, the equivalent of the Prime Minister today, refused the oath supporting the elimination of the Pope’s authority and Henry had him publicly beheaded. Catholic convents and monasteries were closed and looted. The situation was worse under his son, Edward VI, and better during the short reign of Catherine’s daughter, Mary Tudor. She was succeeded by her half-sister Elizabeth I, an ardent Protestant, the daughter of Anne Boleyn. The practice of the Catholic faith was banned. Priests were exiled and forbidden under pain of death from returning or performing the sacraments. It was a desperate, dreadful time.
But many priests risked their lives to come back and minister to the flock and many lay Catholics likewise risked their lives and fortunes to hear Mass and have their children baptized. Wealthy families built hiding places, called priests’ holes, in their homes to hide priests in case their homes were raided by the secret police.
The story is told of one priest who was almost caught in a surprise raid. He had just time to squeeze into his hole before the police broke in on the family. The police had obviously received a tip because they went right to the fireplace where the priest’s hole was located. But try as they might, they couldn’t find the entrance. Then in their frustration they ordered a fire to be lit to drive out the priest. When he didn’t emerge, because to do so would subject the host family to prison or death, they ordered more logs on the fire. Eventually all were driven from the room by the intense heat and the police left in disgust. The family rushed to get the priest out of the hole but he was already dead, baked alive. He gave his life under cruel circumstances to save those whom he had come to serve. And he was only one of many.
With this as a background we can see the need for secrecy and deception. “The Twelve Days of Christmas” was written to educate the faithful in the doctrines of the faith and yet not be obvious to the persecutors. The numbers are simply a mnemonic to help Catholics remember some basic facts. Recall the words of the song. “On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love gave to me: twelve lords a leaping, eleven pipers piping, ten ladies dancing, nine drummers drumming, eight maids a milking, seven swans a swimming, six geese a laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree.”
“The Twelve Days of Christmas” celebrates the official Christmas season which starts liturgically on Christmas Day and ends twelve days later on the Feast of the Epiphany. “My true love” refers to God, “me” is the individual Catholic. The “twelve lords a leaping” are the twelve basic beliefs of the Catholic Church as outlined in the Apostles Creed. The “eleven pipers piping” are the eleven Apostles who remained faithful after the treachery of Judas. The “ten ladies dancing” are the Ten Commandments. The “nine drummers drumming” are the nine choirs of angels which in those days of class distinction were thought important. The “eight maids a milking” are the Eight Beatitudes. The “seven swans a swimming” are the Seven Sacraments. The “six geese a laying” are the Six Commandments of the Church or the six days of creation. The “five golden rings” are the first five books of the Old Testament called the Torah which are generally considered the most sacred and important of all the Old Testament. The “four calling birds” are the Four Gospels. The “three French hens” are the Three Persons in God or the three gifts of the Wise Men. The “two turtle doves” represent the two natures in Jesus: human and divine or the two Testaments, Old and New. The “partridge” is the piece de resistance, Jesus himself, and the “pear tree” is the Cross.
In closing, I hope you found the above an interesting read before you celebrate the mass of Christ and embark on the festive season. Have a great Christmas and relaxing break; and I look forward to seeing our College Community return for the start of 2021.
James Furey
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
The School Toilet Project
Did you know that 62% of boys and 35% of girls avoid going to the toilet at school? According to Dannielle Miller, Project Founder of The School Toilet Project, "School toilets can be dirty, under-funded, poorly designed and a hideout for skipping lessons and even self-harm. School toilets can be detrimental to student mental and physical health and in desperate need of reform."
Since March 2019, hundreds of schools around the country have taken part in this transformative project to turn their school toilets into places that offer students inspiration and hope. Our 2020 SRC, led by Ailish Barry, Lily-Rose Battaglia, Calum Reid, Payton Lawler, Riley Carniato, Loki Marchant and Tallulah Bolsdon has been busy working on this project for over 12 months - researching and collaborating on what we could do to transform some of our school toilets and impact positively on student wellbeing. It was decided to start with the toilets in the canteen area with the aim of eventually transforming the other toilet blocks in the school.
After many hours of meeting, discussing and researching it was finally time to put our paint brushes to work. In week 9 a group of students and teachers worked on creating inspiration boards to be attached to the toilet doors in both the boys and girls toilets in the canteen area.
The selected inspirational quotes were projected onto plywood boards (which have been generously prepared by our maintenance staff) and then they were painted to bring them to life. It is our hope that the opportunity for our students to read these affirmations every day will improve student wellbeing.
At SJPC we value student voice. The School Toilet project was an awesome opportunity for our students to develop leadership skills and work as a team to bring about positive change to their environment.
We would like to thank the MANY staff who dropped in throughout the 3 days of painting to offer a hand, with a special thanks going to the Visual Arts Faculty for allowing us to use their space and offer artistic advice. The talented students who contributed to the artwork were Madeline Scarlett, Lincoln Van Ryswyk, Cleo Davison and Alexandra Nealand.
The boards will be installed over the Christmas break. We were inspired by the results and hope that you will be too.
Stewards of Creation
During Term 4 Yr 7 Catholic Studies focus on the duty of Catholics to be Stewards of Creation. It is our duty to take care of the God given gift that is the world we inhabit with all of its amazing creatures that we have dominion over (Gen 1:27-31). Students learnt that having the responsibility of ‘dominion’ does not mean to dominate and exploit but to care for, and utilise these resources sustainably and for the good of all people.
Students also learnt about the core Catholic Social Teachings including:
- Preferential Option for the poor
- Dignity of the Human Person
- Care for our Common Home
- Subsidiarity and Participation
- The Common Good
- Solidarity
A component of the assessment for this unit was an initiative that required the students to explore an environmental issue that had local implications. Once researched the students were then tasked with using their creativity to produce a resource that may help to raise awareness of the particular issue.
Some examples of the students work are attached below:
Well Done to all students.
Tim Davis
Catholic Studies Teacher
Thank you to Mr Louis Van Dartel for all his enthusiastic work in the Mathematics department this year. The staff and student have thoroughly enjoyed the practical flare that he brought to the team. We are thrilled to give a big welcome back to Mrs Kerri Potter who returns fulltime in 2021 to the Mathematics department.
After an exciting implementation of the “Supporting Mathematical Understanding” program, Mrs Lauren Smith will offer a similar program in 2021 under the banner of “Extending Mathematical Understanding” that will aim to develop students' conceptual understanding in Mathematics through small group work.
The Mathematics department have worked incredibly hard in 2020 implementing and embedding our teaching programs for our new Year 12 syllabuses. A big thanks to all the Mathematics staff for their dedication to the quality teaching and learning of Mathematics at SJPC during a challenging year. It is through their enthusiasm and inspiration that the students are able to gain true insight into Mathematics.
Steve Verbruggen
Leader of Mathematics
Students from Years 8 to 10 have been showing off their talents in the last few weeks of Term. These activities have been linked to Japanese culture and a lot of fun has been had.
The Year 10 students marked the end of their 3rd year of Japanese study with a cooking lesson. The students learnt how to make a popular favourite – “Okonomiyaki”. This savoury pancake consists of a batter made with flour and eggs and usually has cabbage and spring onion as part of the base ingredients. Students were then able to add other ingredients such as bacon and chicken before topping their pancake with Okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, bonito flakes and seaweed. Most of the dishes turned out well and everyone had a great time.
![Pic 4](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2060/201215045426839/550x412/pic_4.jpg)
![Pic 3](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2061/201215045426863/550x412/pic_3.jpg)
![Pic 2](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2062/201215045426893/550x412/pic_2.jpg)
![Pic 1](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2063/201215045426932/550x733/pic_1.jpg)
The Year 9 students made their own manga based on Dreamtime stories from the tale of Tiddalik the Frog to how Koalas got their stumpy tails and even how the Dolphin came to be among us. They not only had to illustrate the story but they also wrote the story in Japanese. A fantastic effort by all.
![Pic 7](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2038/201215045331360/550x733/pic_7.jpg)
![Pic 5](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2039/201215045331477/550x733/pic_5.jpg)
![Pic 6](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2040/201215045331520/550x733/pic_6.jpg)
![Pic 8](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2041/201215045331536/550x733/pic_8.jpg)
Year 8 students have been busy as they cap off their year of learning Japanese. Many students participated enthusiastically in various activities including producing videos about their lives and making calendars to help future students learn the days and months. They have also been looking at various cultural elements of Japan including origami, emojis (they were created by a Japanese man!!) and how Christmas is celebrated in Japan.
![Pic 24](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2051/201215045400871/550x412/pic_24.jpeg)
![Pic 14](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2059/201215045401581/550x733/pic_14.jpg)
![Pic 12](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2058/201215045401565/550x733/pic_12.jpg)
![Pic 10](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2057/201215045401562/550x733/pic_10.jpg)
![Pic 11](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2056/201215045401541/550x733/pic_11.jpg)
![Pic 15](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2055/201215045401505/550x733/pic_15.jpg)
![Pic 13](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2054/201215045401487/550x733/pic_13.jpg)
![Pic 9](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2053/201215045400882/550x733/pic_9.jpg)
![Pic 26](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2052/201215045400856/550x412/pic_26.jpeg)
![Pic 16](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2042/201215045400292/550x733/pic_16.jpg)
![Pic 25](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2050/201215045400834/550x407/pic_25.jpg)
![Pic 23](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2049/201215045400769/550x412/pic_23.jpeg)
![Pic 22](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2048/201215045400762/550x733/pic_22.jpg)
![Pic 17](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2047/201215045400375/550x733/pic_17.jpg)
![Pic 21](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2046/201215045400382/550x733/pic_21.jpg)
![Pic 19](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2045/201215045400373/550x733/pic_19.jpg)
![Pic 20](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2044/201215045400352/550x733/pic_20.jpg)
![Pic 18](https://prod005-au.sz-cdn.net/sjpccoffs/media/2043/201215045400304/550x733/pic_18.jpg)
Japanese Film Festival
We were lucky enough to have the Japan Foundation’s Annual Japanese Film Festival here in Coffs Harbour over the weekend of December 5th and 6th. The movies were shown at the Jetty Theatre, who in conjunction with the Australia-Japan Society Coffs Harbour hosted the event. Staff and students from SJPC were involved in the organisation and also many attended to see the wonderful films on offer. The movies gave locals a real insight into the Japanese culture and lifestyle and to hear the Japanese language as well. Thank you to all who were involved and attended, the weekend was a huge success.
Kirsten Binnie
Leader of Learning - Languages
Outstanding Sporting Achievements
Over the past two weeks, a number of our students have excelled in the sporting arena.
Ruby Flanders (Year 7) played in the indigenous team at the QLD All Nations Touch football tournament recently. Her team was undefeated throughout the rounds, going down in the Final to the very fast team from Scotland. Congratulations to Ruby on this wonderful achievement.
Three of our athletes attended the NSW All Schools Athletics Championships last weekend in Sydney:
Alexandra Harrison (Year 11) placed first in the 17+ High Jump with an impressive leap of 1.75m and only narrowly missed 1.8m. Once again, Alexandra has attained a remarkable result.
Harrison Colyer (Year 9) competed in the 1500m and 3000m 16 yrs boys. He finished 10th in the 3000m and made the finals in the 1500m, placing 9th. An outstanding result.
Nathan Zawadki (Year 12) competed in the 17+ boys 100m and 200m events. His results were excellent, finishing 11th in the 200m with a time of 23.2sec and 8th in the 400 final, running 51.4sec.
2021 Representative sport
Students and parents are reminded to regularly access the NSWCCC web site (CSNSW Sport) for the most up to date information on CCC representative trials. Diocesan individual trials and school representative teams will continue to be advertised via the Palace notice board, daily notices and school newsletter.
Future Planning
School and Diocese Sport 2021 |
Mon 1 Feb 2021 | Sign up opens for SJPC Tennis | Palace |
Sign up opens for SJPC Basketball | Palace | |
Sign up opens for Dio Individual Touch Trials |
Dio Sport Website | |
Fri 12 Feb 2021 | SJPC Swimming Carnival | Coffs Harbour Memorial Pool |
NSW CCC Sport 2021 |
Tues 9 - Wed 10 Feb 2021 | CCC Cricket Boys - U19 | Online closes 3 Feb 2021 |
Mon 15 Feb 2021 | CCC Cricket Girls selections | Online closes 10 Feb 2021 |
Mon 22 Feb 2021 | CCC Softball selections | Online closes 12 Feb 2021 |
Mon 1 Mar 2021 | CCC Cricket Boys U15 selections | Online closes 18 Feb 2021 |
CCC Tennis (Individual) selections | Online closes 22 Mar 2021 |
Thank you
Throughout the year, we rely on many of the local community facilities to provide flexible and enjoyable activities. Not only do we rely on the big venues such as the Big Banana, The Coffs Harbour Memorial Pool and Club 300 Ten Pin Bowling, but also some of the more specialised and smaller facilities like C4 Martial Arts, the Coffs Harbour Lifeguards, Sherwood Archery, Coffs Squash and Pool Centre, Coffs Futsal, Sawtell Tennis , Boambee Stand Up Paddle Boarding and the Coffs Golf Driving range. If you get the chance during the holidays, please try to support one or more of these venues. Additionally, Newcomes buses provide wonderful and valued support of SJPC sport.
Special thanks to the Development Officers and devoted sports lovers who came to the College to deliver high quality sporting programs to our students. Craig Little (Volleyball), Jay Guthrie (Cricket) and Garry Stevenson (NRL) spearheaded their teams of people who worked closely with our staff and students to make sport a valuable experience for all. Please watch out for their holiday camps and out-of-school sporting competitions as they evolve in 2021.
Finally, from Tanya Slaviero, Hunter Flanders and myself, we would like to wish you all a holy and blessed Christmas and a safe holiday.
Danielle McAra
Leader of Learning - Sport
It’s been a big couple of weeks for year 10 starting with their Retreat in week 8 which was split into 2 groups. Group 1 attended Retreat from Monday to Wednesday and group 2 Wednesday to Friday. Students were asked to give some feedback, they were asked to name 3 highlights of their Retreat. Here are some responses:
* Reconciliation/prayer teams, honouring night & letter to my future self
* The talent night, small group activities and the reconciliation
* Small groups, Leaders sharing their past experiences, and surprisingly found the honouring night a highlight of the trip.
* Getting to spend time away from my phone and with my friends, the talent quest and opening affirmations
* The Holy Spirit night, talent night and affirmations
So as you can see the responses were quite varied and it would be fair to stay that Retreat touched students in various ways. Oh and many students said the food was fantastic. In all I would have to say that this Retreat was the best experience I’ve had as a teacher of 24 years and it was due to the way the students contributed and how they allowed the Holy Spirit to enter their lives so openly. The success of the Retreat was also due to Mr Goswell’s organisation and support of the YMO’s and Retreat staff, so thank you for your efforts.
Curriculum Matters
When not at Retreat Yr 10 students were at school completing All My own Work (AMOW), learning job interview skills & how to write a resume. They also attended a live zoom session with Melissa McGuiness from You Choose Youth Driver Safety. Melissa tells the story of her deceased son’s car accident which killed 4 innocent people including himself. Students were clearly moved by her presentation. Thank you to Mr O’Connor for ensuring these activities and presentations ran successfully whilst I was at Retreat.
Last week on Monday students were involved in presentations from Ms Benten, Ms Genat, Ms Brown, Mr Hewitt, Ms McKelvie and our school counsellors Andrew and Denise. These presentations were aimed at preparing students for Yr 11 and the issues that senior study may bring. Students found them interesting and insightful and were grateful for the experienced staff input.
Sporting Day and BBQ
On Friday we played a round robin of several sports such as Volleyball, Basketball and Dodgeball before having a BBQ lunch. We were supposed to head to Coffs creek for a swim however the inclement weather meant we had to turn to plan B and play more basketball in the hall. A good day was had by all and it was a good way to finish the year and farewell those students leaving SJPC. A big thank you to the homeroom staff for their support and for cooking the BBQ.
Mark Sultana
Year 10 Coordinator
If your child is not returning in 2021 please contact the Parish Schools Office.
Christmas Opening Hours
Closed Wednesday 23 December at 4pm
Reopen Monday 11 January at 8.30am
All school fee related matters please contact admin@parishschoolsoffice.
Wishing your family a safe and Merry Christmas.