The staff at St John Paul College are committed to providing excellent educational opportunities that promote gospel teachings and the Catholic faith.
With supportive and enthusiastic teachers, St John Paul College is dedicated to the provision of quality education. The College strives for excellence in its education program by providing a safe and inspiring learning environment, coupled with a stimulating and challenging curriculum.
In recognising the value of student choice and the tremendous benefits gained from active and involved students, the staff at St John Paul College are committed to providing a nurturing environment for our young men and women to enjoy a successful and memorable Catholic high school experience.
Staff Obligations
Staff in Catholic Schools in the Diocese of Lismore have significant obligations as Mandatory Reporters for the safety, welfare and wellbeing of children and young people. A Mandatory Reporter is a person who, due to the nature of their employment, must report any concern regarding the safety, welfare or wellbeing of a child. This means that they must report any issue that they suspect, on reasonable grounds, that a child is at risk of significant harm to the school Principal, who will take the required action. More detailed information can be found on the school website in the Child Protection Policy and Procedures document.